Large Rugs & Large Area Rugs

Large rugs are perfect for lounges and bedrooms, adding rich color and soft textures. A quality rug is durable and copes with the wear of daily life while adding comfort. They bring together any room design as a work of art that changes the look and feel of a space. Shop now!



420 products
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One of A Kind
Kaelinn | Vibrant Blue Oriental Rug | Kuden RugsKaelinn | Handmade Wool-Cotton Area Opulence | Kuden Rugs
Kaelinn - Turkish Area Rug

9' 10" x 6' 7"

Sale price$726.00
One of A Kind
Kaethe | Elegant Black Oriental Rug | Kuden RugsKaethe | Handmade Wool-Cotton Area Luxury | Kuden Rugs
Kaethe - Turkish Area Rug

9' 9" x 6' 7"

Sale price$716.00
One of A Kind
Kairos | Sophisticated Black Oriental Rug | Kuden RugsKairos | Handmade Wool-Cotton Area Luxury | Kuden Rugs
Kairos - Turkish Area Rug

9' 9" x 6' 7"

Sale price$716.00
One of A Kind
Kaisa | Elegant Black Oriental Rug | Kuden RugsKaisa | Handmade Wool-Cotton Area Luxury | Kuden Rugs
Kaisa - Turkish Area Rug

9' 10" x 6' 7"

Sale price$726.00
One of A Kind
Kaitey | Sophisticated Black Oriental Rug | Kuden RugsKaitey | Handmade Wool-Cotton Area Luxury | Kuden Rugs
Kaitey - Turkish Area Rug

9' 9" x 6' 7"

Sale price$716.00
One of A Kind
Maeryn | Radiant Red | Hand-Knotted Turkish Elegance | Kuden RugsMaeryn | Antiquewashed Beauty | Vintage Floral Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Maeryn - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 4" x 6' 4"

Sale price$504.00
One of A Kind
Maesie | Sunlit Elegance | Hand-Knotted Turkish Rug | Kuden RugsMaesie | Overdyed Brilliance | Vintage Yellow Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Maesie - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 6" x 6' 3"

Sale price$504.00
One of A Kind
Mairwen | Turquoise Tranquility | Hand-Knotted Turkish Elegance | Kuden RugsMairwen | Overdyed Marvel | Vintage Medallion Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Mairwen - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

10' 3" x 6' 4"

Sale price$551.00
One of A Kind
Mara | Turquoise Tranquility | Hand-Knotted Turkish Elegance | Kuden RugsMara | Overdyed Majesty | Vintage Medallion Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Mara - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 5" x 6' 9"

Sale price$543.00
One of A Kind
Maria | Regal Red | Hand-Knotted Turkish Elegance | Kuden RugsMaria | Overdyed Majesty | Vintage Medallion Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Maria - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 10" x 6' 3"

Sale price$522.00
One of A Kind
Mariana | Blush Beauty | Hand-Knotted Turkish Rug | Kuden RugsMariana | Overdyed Elegance | Vintage Medallion Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Mariana - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 5" x 6' 5"

Sale price$512.00
One of A Kind
Marjorey | Cream Sophistication | Hand-Knotted Turkish Rug | Kuden RugsMarjorey | Antiquewashed Allure | Vintage Allover Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Marjorey - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

10' 1" x 6' 7"

Sale price$564.00
One of A Kind
Mary | Cream Sophistication | Hand-Knotted Turkish Rug | Kuden RugsMary | Antiquewashed Charm | Vintage Medallion Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Mary - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 1" x 6' 0"

Sale price$462.00
One of A Kind
Mia | Sapphire Serenity | Hand-Knotted Turkish Elegance | Kuden RugsMia | Antiquewashed Majesty | Vintage Medallion Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Mia - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 5" x 6' 7"

Sale price$523.00
One of A Kind
Miah | Beige Brilliance | Hand-Knotted Turkish Elegance | Kuden RugsMiah | Antiquewashed Allure | Vintage Medallion Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Miah - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

8' 11" x 5' 11"

Sale price$448.00
One of A Kind
Millicent | Cream Elegance | Handmade Turkish Carpet | Kuden RugsMillicent | Medallion Mastery | Vintage Area Rug | Kuden Rugs
Millicent - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 9" x 6' 0"

Sale price$500.00
One of A Kind
Nadeen | Beige Medallion | Handcrafted Turkish Rug | Kuden RugsNadeen | Vintage Elegance | Timeless Area Carpet | Kuden Rugs
Nadeen - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

8' 11" x 6' 2"

Sale price$467.00
One of A Kind
Namrata | Pink Medallion Marvel | Hand-Knotted Turkish Carpet | Kuden RugsNamrata | Vintage Allure | Elegant Area Rug | Kuden Rugs
Namrata - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 3" x 6' 3"

Sale price$492.00
One of A Kind
Nandini | Serene Medallion | Turkish Wool Elegance | Kuden RugsNandini | Beige Vintage Charm | Hand-Knotted Area Rug | Kuden Rugs
Nandini - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 6" x 5' 10"

Sale price$470.00
One of A Kind
Nanice | Understated Gray | Hand-Knotted Turkish Elegance | Kuden RugsNanice | Vintage Minimalism | Overdyed Area Rug | Kuden Rugs
Nanice - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9' 4" x 6' 3"

Sale price$494.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Obella | Luxurious Persian Craftsmanship | Kuden RugsObella | Blue Medallion Magic | Kuden Rugs
Obella - Vintage Persian Area Rug

10' 2" x 6' 5"

Sale price$1,738.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Paris | Time-Honored Elegance | Kuden RugsParis | Persian Perfection | Kuden Rugs
Paris - Vintage Persian Area Rug

10' 7" x 5' 1"

Sale price$1,958.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Shoshanna - Elegance Woven with Tradition | Kuden RugsShoshanna - Timeless Medallion, Modern Appeal | Kuden Rugs
Shoshanna - Vintage Persian Area Rug

9' 7" x 6' 7"

Sale price$1,982.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Sian - Vintage Persian Rug Elegance | Kuden RugsSian - Exquisite Brown Medallion Design | Kuden Rugs
Sian - Vintage Persian Area Rug

9' 10" x 6' 7"

Sale price$1,982.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Sonia - Geometric Grace in Persian Weaving | Kuden RugsSonia - Hand-Knotted Heritage, Modern Mastery | Kuden Rugs
Sonia - Vintage Persian Area Rug

9' 10" x 5' 3"

Sale price$1,159.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Temperance - An Ageless Elegance | Kuden RugsTemperance - Brown Medallion Mastery | Kuden Rugs
Temperance - Vintage Persian Area Rug

9' 2" x 6' 8"

Sale price$1,853.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Tess - Elegance in Weaves | Kuden RugsTess - Geometric Grace, Persian Place | Kuden Rugs
Tess - Vintage Persian Area Rug

9' 10" x 6' 9"

Sale price$1,335.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Yaari - Elegance in Cream | Kuden RugsYaari - Handwoven Heritage | Kuden Rugs
Yaari - Vintage Persian Area Rug

10' 0" x 6' 9"

Sale price$1,971.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Zylona - Vintage Persian Rug Elegance | Kuden RugsZylona - Red Medallion Pattern Sophistication | Kuden Rugs
Zylona - Vintage Persian Area Rug

9' 4" x 6' 7"

Sale price$2,394.00
New Arrivals One of A Kind
Rae - Vintage Persian Rug Elegance | Kuden RugsRae - Beige Allover Beauty | Kuden Rugs
Rae - Vintage Persian Area Rug

9' 8" x 7' 5"

Sale price$1,724.00

The Complete Guide to Large Rugs and How to Choose

Large antique rugs. Not just floor coverings, but whispers of history, threads of culture, tapestries of grace. Choosing one to adorn your home? You'll be adrift in a sea of timeless beauties. Fear not, wanderer, for this guide unfurls like a map, leading you to the perfect piece. Dive in, and transform the daunting into delightful. So let’s take a trip together throughout time and style to discover the characteristics and classifications of large rugs which are necessary for you to find the right one.

Why Large Area Rugs?

Large area rugs have a huge transforming effect on interiors, providing functionality as well as visual appeal. These rugs are characterized by their size that ranges between 6’x9” to 7’x10” and even more, adding beauty and comfort to living rooms.

Characteristics of Large Area Rugs

Interior designing features large rugs that are renowned for their sizes, ability to transform the look of a home, and their versatility. These are some of the features that make these rugs an indispensable part of style and utility at home.

  1. Size and Coverage: Large vintage area rugs are mostly huge with dimensions starting from 6’X9′ up to 7’X10′ and so on. The rugs are large and thus can anchor large rooms or define sections from an open plan.
  2. Versatility: A large patterned rug has a high level of versatility that allows it to adapt to different rooms as well as interior styles. These rugs are functional additions that can be used effectively in any space, such as the living room, dining room, or bedroom.
  3. Design Impact: Transform your room with the magic of large area rugs. Their vast canvas offers a playground for bold prints, vibrant colors, and unique patterns, grounding the space and uniting its elements into a cohesive masterpiece.
  4. Functionality: In addition to being aesthetically appealing, large traditional rugs have utility functions. They offer comfort and softness to the foot, especially when installed on hardwood or tiled floors. Besides, such rugs are useful in reducing noise and also provide insulation hence making the living place warmer and cozy.
  5. Room Definition: Large oriental carpets can be used to define specific parts of rooms. They serve as visual barriers in an open concept space, separating the living, dining and seating areas. As such, this contributes to an orderly and meaningful layout.
  6. Material Diversity: Forget mere floor coverings, step into a universe of texture! Antique rugs whisper with secrets woven from more than just patterns. Luxurious wool, soft as ancient lullabies, invites bare feet to sink in, leaving footprints in memories. Jute and sisal, kissed by desert sun and woven with earthy dreams, sing a rougher harmony underfoot, each step a dance on sun-baked sand.
  7. Style Variety: A large Persian rug can be found in various designs depending on an individual’s tastes and preferences. The large area rug category offers something for every taste: whether traditional elegance, contemporary chic, or bohemian vibes.

Common Categories of Large Area Rugs (6'x9' to 7'x10')

Large area rugs do a lot for your home transformation by creating comfort, style, and personalizing your living space. This guide will go through various kinds of large area rugs with measurements ranging between 6′ x 9′ and 7′ x 10′ to be sure that you end up choosing the right rug which can fit well with your tastes and match with your interior decoration.

Extra Large (7'x10' and up)

Extra-large area rugs are a symbol of luxury for grand seekers. These rugs measure 7 x 10 feet and above. The large size of these rugs makes them a standout element that will convert big living rooms or large spaces into warm and cozy areas. Well crafted, come in a variety of style ranging from traditional to modern and provide both comfort and luxury. Check out our large size rug and choose one to boldly fill up those spacious rooms in the house.

Large (6'x9' to 7'x10')

Large area rugs with measurements ranging from 6 x 9 feet to 7 x 10 feet can be described as the sweet spot between roomy and multi-purposed. Ideal for living rooms, dining areas, or bedrooms, a Persian rug 6 x 9 or Oriental rug 6 x 9 rug can anchor the space without overwhelming it. Select among many styles such as classical elegance, modern chic, Bohemian feel, and so on. Our rugs have different designs that can appeal to everyone’s taste. Be it with a traditional touch or more contemporary feel, these carpets will serve as an excellent basis for complementing your interior design!

Medium (5'x8' to 6'x9')

Medium sized area rugs (5’x8′ – 6’x9′) perfectly fit into smaller spaces yet create coziness and warmth in any room. They are adaptable, suitable for use on bedroom floors, home office surfaces, and even under various small furniture groupings. Our medium-sized rugs with varying styles from natural fibers to transitional finishes complete the look and feel of every space in your home. Go through the collection to identify a suitable rug for your home and taste.

Our wide selection of extra-large, large and medium rugs caters for various needs. Find the right large area rug to add to your home’s character, warmth and aesthetic style.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Large Vintage Rug

The process of choosing a large oriental rug goes beyond deciding on the beauty. In essence, it is concerned with selecting a good rug which can add some history as well as classic style to your place of living. Here are key factors to consider when choosing a large vintage rug:

1. Authenticity and Origin

Unfurl a tapestry of history! Woven into each antique rug lies a whispered tale, its origin the brushstroke that paints its unique beauty. A Persian masterpiece, adorned with intricate botanical flourishes, speaks of ancient gardens and silken caravans. Its rich tapestry, a symphony of knots passed down through generations, whispers of emperors and forgotten dynasties.

2. Condition and Quality

Do check the condition of the rug thoroughly, making note of any worn or damaged areas. Some of the defects found in aged rugs can contribute to their uniqueness and create a special charm to them. Find one that has strong borders, is not very discolored, and holds its pile intact. Vintage rugs are not only artifacts but also high quality investments.

3. Design and Pattern

There are a wide range of attractive designs and patterns associated with vintage rugs. Choose a design that matches up with what is going on aesthetically in your space. Vintage rug designs usually include geometric patterns, floral decorations, and elaborate borders. Make sure the selected design blends with your furniture and entire decor.

4. Color Palette

Vintage rugs are characterized by soft and subtle hues that provide warmth to surroundings. Choose a rug that complements the main color theme of your room. Vintage rugs often contain earthy tones, deep blue and warm red, creating an adaptive palette for multiple stylistic preferences.

5. Size and Proportions

Take precise measurements of the room and choose an appropriate rug size for it. Most vintage rugs come in conventional sizes but it is important to choose a rug whose scale does not overwhelm or drown in the space. Ensure that you leave adequate surrounding space for the beauty of the rug to breathe and not overshadow other items around.

6. Cultural Significance

Beyond beautiful patterns, vintage rugs hold stories woven into their fibers. Understanding their cultural context elevates them from décor to doorways into history. You walk the same paths as nomadic weavers, their artistry echoing beneath your feet.

7. Budget and Investment

Old rugs may be expensive, but they are worth it because of the style and history embedded. Weigh your budget with respect to the rug’s quality and condition as well as its historical significance. A well-cared- for antique rug will be an invaluable treasure for your household.

Benefits of Large Area Rugs

Unfurl a large area rug, and watch your home blossom into a vibrant haven. These expansive beauties are more than just decorative delights; they're architects of comfort, style, and a whole lot of design magic.

  1. Aesthetic Appeal: Area rugs are perfect design anchors because they add beauty into any space instantly. These provide an easy mode of introducing pattern, color, as well as texture in the creation of style and orderly look.
  2. Defined Living Spaces: In open-concept, rugs serve as visual cues that delineate specific living areas, like seating areas or dining areas. Such pieces are used to add some kind of order to expansive rooms so as to give them direction and order.
  3. Comfort and Coziness: The large rugs offer a softer landing on hardwood or tile flooring, thus enhancing comfort levels. They help create an atmosphere of warmth that will make your house feel like a cozy hideout.
  4. Noise Reduction: Large area rugs, owing to their huge size and thick fibers are able to take up loud sounds in rooms with hard floors, thus dampening echo and noise. This is especially beneficial in communal living areas and high ceilinged houses.
  5. Floor Protection: Large area rugs act as floor guards against the impacts and friction from furniture legs or footsteps. These rugs are particularly important for preventing depreciation of the floor’s aesthetic appearance in heavily trafficked areas.
  6. Versatility in Design: Large area rugs are available with different styles, patterns, and colors suiting everyone’s taste. Irrespective of whether your decoration is classical, modern, or combined (eclectic), you can find a large area rug that will definitely highlight your interior and suit your style.
  7. Safety: Rugs offer a safe area to walk on as they make the floor non-slip, which is particularly important in spill or accident zones. They provide a stable footing with minimal chances of falling or tripping.
  8. Low-Maintenance Elegance: You may improve the aesthetics of your house with oversized area carpets that require minimal maintenance. They are kept clean by regular vacuuming and occasional professional cleaning. This is why they make a great, practical as well as stylish option for busy families.
  9. Personalized Expression: Large area rugs are like a big blank canvas that will give an opportunity to express yourself through design. They are a mirror that depict who you really are and bring out the charisma of your place.

Care Tips for Large Area Rugs

Imagine your area rug, a vibrant tapestry adorning your floor, holding its elegance for years to come. Simple, expert-guided practices unlock this magic. Dive into these secrets to ensure your rug remains the star of your home.

  • Regular Vacuuming: Vacuum your large rug frequently in order to eliminate all the dust, sand and dirt. Set your vacuum cleaner at an appropriate height to prevent rubbing on the rug fibers.
  • Rotate Periodically: Ensure even wear by rotating your rug every 6 months. This is especially important for high-traffic areas or if the rug is exposed to direct sunlight, as it helps maintain a uniform appearance.
  • Spot Cleaning: Respond immediately to spills and stains. Blot—not rub—affected area with a clean and dry cloth. Stubborn stains require a mild detergent mixed in with water (test an inconspicuous area first).
  • Professional Cleaning: Depending on its usage you should consider professional cleaning for your big rug once a year or every 12-18 months. Your professional cleaner possesses skills to deep clean and revive your rug without doing any harm.
  • Protect from Sunlight: Avoid prolonged sun exposure that causes fading of the colors with time. As a rule, window treatments that reduce UV rays should be used if feasible or rotate the rug regularly to achieve even fading.
  • Use Rug Pads: Purchase rug pads for your large area rug to add comfort; reduce slipping and damage to your carpet and flooring. Verify that the padding matches your flooring type.
  • Avoid Heavy Furniture: Do not place heavy items on the rug, which may lead to indentations. Alternatively, use furniture coasters if furniture must rest on the rug, or change the positioning of items frequently.
  • Trim Loose Fibers: If you notice loose fibers, trim them carefully with scissors to prevent further damage. Avoid pulling on loose threads, as it may unravel the rug.
  • Shake Out Dust: Take your rug outdoors periodically and shake it to remove embedded dirt and dust. This is especially beneficial for high-pile rugs that may trap particles within the fibers.

Your Home, Your Style

However, remember that a large rug in your house is not just decoration; It speaks of style and reflects your personality. We stock an assorted range of large, antique, and vintage Persian and oriental carpets of different sizes that will amaze you. Let the story of everlasting elegance be told by your house through our amazing rugs.

Visit our website to witness the grandeur firsthand, and let the transformative power of a large rug redefine your living space. Happy decorating!

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