Neutral Rugs

Explore our Neutral Rugs category, featuring Vintage rugs that blend timeless elegance with versatile color palettes. These rugs offer a unique fusion of classic charm and modern simplicity, ideal for enhancing any space with a touch of sophistication. Their subtle tones and intricate designs create a cozy, inviting atmosphere.



362 products
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One of A Kind
Theophilia - Vintage Blue Patchwork Rug - kudenrugsTheophilia - Vintage Blue Patchwork Rug - kudenrugs
Theophilia - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug

7’ 10” x 5’ 7”

Sale price$382.00
One of A Kind
Zenais | Antique washed Turkish Carpet Elegance | Kuden RugsZenais | Vibrant Orange Medallion Rug | Kuden Rugs
Zenais - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

8’ 9” x 5’ 10”

Sale price$433.00
Bhrooke - Vintage Beige Antique Washed Rug - kudenrugsBhrooke - Vintage Beige Antique Washed Rug - kudenrugs
Bhrooke - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

9’ 3” x 5’ 7”

Sale price$463.00
One of A Kind
Yomaris | Beige Elegance in a Hand-Knotted Carpet | Kuden RugsAntique washed Charm | Yomaris Turkish Area Rug | Kuden Rugs
Yomaris - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

10’ 4” x 6’ 6”

Sale price$575.00
One of A Kind
Germine - Vintage Beige Antique Washed Rug - kudenrugsGermine - Vintage Beige Antique Washed Rug - kudenrugs
Germine - Vintage Turkish Area Rug

10’ 0” x 6’ 5”

Sale price$549.00
Samona - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug - kudenrugsSamona - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug - kudenrugs
Samona - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug

11’ 6” x 8’ 2”

Sale price$721.00
One of A Kind
Secia - Vintage Beige Patchwork Rug - kudenrugsSecia - Vintage Beige Patchwork Rug - kudenrugs
Secia - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug

11’ 6” x 8’ 2”

Sale price$721.00
One of A Kind
Gladiola - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug - kudenrugsGladiola - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug - kudenrugs
Gladiola - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug

11’ 6” x 8’ 2”

Sale price$721.00
One of A KindSold out
Pyper - Vintage Beige Patchwork Rug - kudenrugsPyper - Vintage Beige Patchwork Rug - kudenrugs
Pyper - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug

12’ 0” x 9’ 0”

Sale price$817.00
One of A Kind
Makinsley - Vintage Beige Patchwork Rug - kudenrugsMakinsley - Vintage Beige Patchwork Rug - kudenrugs
Makinsley - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug

9’ 10” x 6’ 7”

Sale price$521.00
One of A Kind
Mardean - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug - kudenrugsMardean - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug - kudenrugs
Mardean - Vintage Turkish Patchwork Rug

9’ 10” x 6’ 7”

Sale price$521.00

Neutral Rugs : Beyond the Basics

Do you love to have a relaxing sense with your rugs? The best way is to look for neutral colors.  Neutral colors are calming and visually comfortable. They are unsaturated and offer a soothing atmosphere to any space. 

Neutral Rugs are available in an extensive range of shades of black, brown, and beige. They also come in lighter hues, like cream and grey. The main purpose of our neutral rugs is to create relaxation around your feet and offer warmth in the cold weather. Neutral rugs can add relaxation with their impressive texture along with adding softness underfoot. 

Our Neutral rugs are an ideal option for pulling together a room in a seaside home. You will love its versatile and classic aesthetics. That’s how they are compatible with each house style. The Neutral area rugs look excellent in any area and any style of home. They're both, warm and welcoming and feel fresh and light. Regardless of your home decor style, a neutral rug is timeless and fits in perfectly in any space. You don’t have to change your original settings to accommodate this rug, it naturally matches its surroundings. 

We deal with a range of exclusive neutral area rugs that entail gorgeous designs, sophisticated structures, and many other boutique-inspired features. Neutral rugs are an excellent means to tie a room together and are easy to organize as they effortlessly match any décor space. We make it easier to discover a perfect neutral rug color to contest your home’s recent look and feel. Whether you want a small neutral runner, a considerably large rug, or any other type of extent, we offer some of the best neutral rugs available. You can explore our neutral rug collection and discover the accurate addition to your home.

Surprisingly, you can use a single neutral rug for different rooms, either indoors or outdoors. If you are searching for a rug designed for a nursery, we have a range of designs that can be ideal for both girls' and boys' rooms. Our options for neutral rugs are available in a variety of styles and sizes to faultlessly suit your nursery’s requirements. 

Moreover, a living room is considered the heart of a home, and discovering the perfect rug is necessary to create a calm and enticing space. Our collection of neutral rugs designed for living rooms comes in a wide variety of styles, sizes, and colors to perfectly suit your needs. A modern neutral rug can help build a contemporary feel in your living room, while a traditional neutral rug promotes a more classic look. 

Neutral rugs can either tone down an extremely bright room or generate depth and textural curiosity for an incredible focal point in your decor space.

A bedroom can always deal with an aspect of lush sophistication through an elegant and soft rug.

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